description.txt ---
Game developer, animator
discord: Stopsignal#2168
I do not use it much, but just in case!

Age 25, creature


Y:λ:X:.X:.Y<:: Y<:.//λ:<::


Joined on 1/17/12

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8m 1d


Love the game and am excited about any expansion you come up with. While I'm at it I want to add my two cents ;) As you mentioned different friendly units as well as enemy units are always a good addition (if balanced).

I would just like to mention that it's sometimes restricting how "quick" the King comes to fight the last battle. To this day I was not able to upgrade each of the higher units to lvl3 because by the time I have had the resources the boss fight starts. So you have to start over again and hope for a better draw.

Maybe there is a way to extend the roúnd/ increase resources per round, in order to have a full "endgame" build when facing the king. The kings numbers have to be beefed up then accordingly.

Anyway looking forward to what you come up with, I'm a fan.

Thank you!!!! i'm glad you like it :)
That is intended! tier 4 level 3 units are basically a lane win if used correctly, so it's nice that they are extremely rare, unless you plan on getting one. With some luck or mausoleums, and merging units early enough at tier 3 cauldron, you can get some early tier 4 units and go wild from there B)

I even think i need to buff the Kobold level 3 unit a bit!

But i do appreaciate the feedback! Maybe i can try making the new chapter go a few turns longer in average, make that final power spike a must! Hm!

Oh, I had some ideas and thoughts about this. Maybe I'll list them and send them in PM?

I'd wish to keep it here, so people can see what's been talked about!

1. Alright, so what's bothering me from the beginning is that Vikings are just a lame version of Stickys, and not some original unit. I understand that as 1st tier units they can't be too strong. So, maybe make them start with blessing on lvl2 and shield on lvl3? To make them more of a tanky guys. As a compensation, their attack can be locked on 1-2 max or something.
2. Wizards aren't that cool for endgame. Most spells are cast in first 1-2 steps, so wizards can rarely do more than 2-3 shots, and their damage is not that great for tier3. Maybe lowering the damage of a charge and giving them ability to store charges instead will make them more of an impact?
3. There can be units with abilities triggered by enemy death (on the same line or anywhere). Like, restore health or buff when kills an enemy (vampire), or heal/buff random ally on enemy death (witch or plague doctor), or shoot at random enemy on enemy death (lich)
4. There can be like plague zombies. It's weak, but if it kills the enemy, it turns it into same zombie.
5. There can be units with abilities triggered by ally death (on line or anywhere). The same way like enemy death - heal or buff itself, heal/buff others, shoot enemy.
6.There can be a unit that attacks two units in row (with less damage for rear one) , or maybe an item giving that ability (like, spear or something). The same can goes for enemies too.

how about an endless goblin mode? where you fight goblins nonstop for points? and fight mini bosses or something but yea thats my idea.

Some more ideas
1. Banshee - on ally death gains charge, on step shoots enemy
2. Reaper - skeleton with scythe, on enemy death on same line buffs/heals himself
3. Fear spell - makes target enemy step back, changing places with unit behind (if present), on lvl3 also damages or decrease attack
4. Plague spell - replaces items, when the target dies, a zombie is summoned.
5. I also thought about enemy healers (priest with a book item) and buffers (barkeeper with a barrel of beer, buffs on death), but with random enemy positioning they can end up useless.
6. Defensive analog of wizard - acolyte, on spell gains charge, on step heals ally, or maybe some unit that on spell buffs/heals himself.
7. Skeleton with a bomb and 0 health, on death damages next few cells for serious damage. Can be there same kind of enemy.
Or can be not the unit, but the item

Having played it a number of times, I have a few assorted and very general ideas:

1. I think making some units/effects a bit more clear immediately could be helpful. Maybe giving summoner enemies a specific symbol above their heads, for example?

2. Perhaps some form of weather/battle field conditions? (EX: Fog that prevents ranged attackers from shooting unless at close range, Blood Moon that gives all units some sort of buff, etc.)

3. I've seen a few ideas that play with unit movement, and I think that could work well for both ally and enemy units. (EX: A scout unit that moves 2 units instead of one, A support or tank unit that moves every other turn, etc.)

4. This last one may be outside of the scope of the game, but if you wanted to do meta progression, perhaps having passive items or unlock-able units that you can unlock with reoccurring runs?

Hope these ideas give you some food for thought. Stoked to see what you come up with!!!

I believe the game would benefit from some random perks which alter the gameplay.
For instance if the vikings do not reset attack to one, the archers get the third shot or a flying skull gets extra health. Perks can be linked to current date and change daily making the different strategies more efficint dpending on a perk of the day.

First off, big fan of the game. I definitely think new levels could add a lot more replay-ability. Not just different enemies in those levels but maybe like other quirks that change how you have to play.

Maybe a level where some lanes are temporarily destroyed. The player wouldn't have to fight enemies in that lane while it's disabled, but they also would have to move their units before the lane is taken out to prevent them being lost.

Or a stage where the units are already like level 2 when you purchase them, but you only have enough coins to get like two units at a time.

I like the retail worker monsters theme going on in that concept art, and definitely think a vampire would be a fun addition. Maybe it could have a chance to heal one of the player's hearts!

Either way, I'll be sure to play whatever you come up with!

if you want a new concept you could add voodoo and zombies. Antagonist.. Amazon, youtube

Perhaps you could add speed: a unit moes two steps; and freeze: a unit doesn't move, only moves once every two turns, or is unable to take action. There could be charge as well, a unit immediately charges to the unit in front. random ideas: lane swapping; mines; certain buildings/items that gives specific upgrades for units, like giving the archer a third shot (inspired by DasSG), the same item could have a defferent effect for each unit; duplicate unit (own unit); doppelganger (copy enemy unit); item giving instant upgrade/ allows lvl 4 upgrade

Another thing is that I'd like to have volume sliders for music and sfx, since the sounds can be loud compared to the music

Interested in what direction new decks and expansion could go. Maybe new decks would come with new spells that synergize with the general focus of the deck. I guess more spell-synergy units to go with the Wizard would make spell books more appealing.

I keep getting more ideas, sorry.
A different theme: science and robots.
New concepts: thorns: deal damage when attacked; banner: give unit in front extra damage/health (unlike the medic who heals units that attack)/item (shield, ankh); reveive: resurrect a unit, either as a spell or with an item; extra attack, a unit may attack twice. Letting a unit hold two or more items could also be a thing

you could make a tier 4 troop that can be used to level up any ally. the level 2 version of the troop would be able to upgrade a level 2 version of another ally, and the level 3 version of the troop could actually be the only way to upgrade a minion to level 4, or it could just get some special ability, like stealing the item of an enemy that it attacks and applying it to itself, or maybe the ability to stack items infinitely on this minion

Hey there! Maybe this comment is a bit late but hopefully it can still help you, Necrochess has been one of my favorite games for months so if I can give some ideas I might as well try.

Ok, so for characters there are a few ideas that come to mind, or new scenarios perhaps:
-How about adding Heaven/Hell to the mix? The new characters could be an angel/devil defending their respective homes from a now dead King and his army.
-Or instead of using a dead King, an invasion from Hell into Heaven, one could maybe pick a side and get a deck depending if you're invading or defending it.
-A lower devil being inspired by news of our first protagonist and deciding to take over Hell is also an option, with the boss of Hell as the enemy.
-Maybe go a different route and have a summoner that uses greek monsters (or from other mythologies) to conquer Europe or the world? There are a lot of monsters with cool powers.
With enough decks a VS mode to play with a friend on the same computer could be plausible.

Ok, now going for deck/unit ideas:
-How about adding traps/hazards to the lanes? Instead of buying buildings like the Mausoleum you can buy spikes/fire pits that will hurt the first "X" units that walk over it or each turn they STAY over it, it might help build strategies around how fast your units will win a lane so they avoid the damage themselves, and you can even add units/items that have or grant immunity to certain traps, or have archer units that don't move until the lane is clear. You can maybe add heals with the same mechanic.
-Talking about greek monsters there are some good ideas: a Gorgon could turn enemies to stone, add "X" health to them and reducing their attack by "Y" each time they trade blows, a unit with 0 attack either dies on the next blow or just starts taking the blows normally.
-A Hydra: each time they take damage they get an extra attack or it attacks an additional unit on the lane, it's attack could be capped low so they rely on getting multi-attacks.
-Minotaurs could be tanks/hitters that heal each time it defeats an enemy, and so on, there are Centaurs, Griffin, Cyclops, Pegasus, tons of creatures to choose from. You could even add a twist with a Hero enemy that does extra damage to monsters that fulfill a certain condition.
-As a general idea some backline support units, like a unit that gives X/Y to one or more units in front of it while alive or one that takes the hits instead of the unit in front of it. There could be enemies that specifically damage the back units.
-A unit that is a double-edged sword like a powerful Berserker that hits both the unit in front and behind it, or that hits around it, even the units on other lanes.
-Cheap bomb/suicide units are always an option.
-A unit that each step it takes it loses 1 HP but gains +1 damage, so depending where you place it it will start as a tank or advance enough to be a heavy hitter. It could also have a counterpart that does the opposite, -1 damage but +1 HP.

And.. there, I think that's most of the ideas I came up with, hope that they can help you, if there's anything else I can do I'd be glad to give a hand.

Seeing as we got 60 hearts before we fight the king, I would recommend a mini game after removing 20 hearts and again at 40 hearts. It would give players an extra opportunity to get some coins or free units. Players would have to defeat a tax collector mini-boss at the risk of losing coins for the next round if they're unable to win. Players would not lose health during this fight.

For new units:
Goblin - 1 Attack, 2 Health.
Ability - Pickpocket
For each enemy defeated by the goblin, the player will get one additional coin at the end of the round. However the goblin must survive the entire round in order to cash in. Upgrading the goblin will give the player more coins per enemy defeated. Health will increase, but attack will stay at 1.

Ninja - 2 Attack, 1 Health.
Ability - Blind Spot
Can attack enemies in other lanes for bonus damage. (2 Times) Upgrading the ninja will increase bonus damage, increase health by 1, no change to attack. Can only attack units within a one space radius, including diagonally.

Masochist- 0 Attack, 4 Health
Ability - Climax
When the masochist is defeated it will explode, damaging all nearby enemy units. The amount of damage will increase by 1 for each hit it takes. Upgrading the masochist will increase its health and damage range. With each level increasing the range by 1.

Spell Book- Warp
Can move your units or enemies into other lanes. Cannot be used to push enemies back. Upgrades will increase the number of times units can be moved.

Buff- Thorns
Enemies will take extra damage when they hit a unit with thorns attached.

Buff- Transfusion
The unit that the buff is attach to will gain health equal to its attack minus the enemies remaining health upon death. So if your unit does three damage to an enemy that only had 1 HP left, your unit would gain 2 HP after the fight. Could also turn this buff into a vampire class with the same ability.

Pretty good game, I honestly think it's the best game on NG. It's an interesting strategy game with a unique concept. I love the art style as well.

Though, I never truly felt like I had won unless I had defeated the two princes along with the king. To solve this, maybe you could add a secret bonus level if the player kills the king but lets one or both of the princes live, and then the player would have to fight the princes again because they want revenge? I'm also guessing that you've already thought of a second level where you have to fight the queen.

In addition to "freezing" units, maybe you could add a "burn" unit ability where you would burn that unit and it wouldn't return for the rest of the game. Although it would mess up with the RNG a bit, so giving it about 2-3 uses only might be more balanced.

Another thought, shields are very strong for both the enemy side and the player’s side. It’s kind of needed to win the game. I had thought that a level 3 assassin did piercing damage but maybe I saw it wrong. But then it made me think that a unit that could pierce through shields could be useful.

Final thought, I had noticed the familiar in the secret ending looked worried for our necromancer compared to the “good” ending. I also read that you were planning on adding another playable character. Maybe our original necromancer starts to turn evil in that ending and that’s why the familiar looks worried? Because of this, maybe the new character you’re planning to add will have to fight our original necromancer due to becoming evil in the secret ending?

This idea for a deck (or skin I guess) got stuck in my head and I just have to say it. "Neco?chess", everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) has cat ears and a cat tail.

(the "?" was supposed to be a cat emoji, but it seems like this particular comment section don't know what those look like.)

It's about time you published the game on some major platform like Steam (mobile would work great as well) and added more elements to strengthen replayability, like achievements or unlocking new decks. I can spend hours on this game, but its in-browser format, lack of game save feature, and absence of items to unlock suck hard. Besides, you could reach a much wider audience.