Now there is a new enemy, the Royalist! he can be countered by tough units. He also lightly counters throwers, but with some wit you can work around that, i'm sure!
He is here to kinda nerf the Snitch, though indirectly. They will share the same spawn tier!
He also adds lots of chaos to the battlefield. Still not sure about that, please give feedback!
Now units have different looks depending on level! Please do also tell me which ones are your favourites, hahahah
Still need to update some things for the tier 4 units, but for now, the game is as is!
Also some other changes based on feedback!!
I played a run earlier that must've been about a minute after this update went live, I was so confused to see the new art for upgraded units and an entirely new enemy lol.
The only real chaos that comes from Royalists imo is that Bowies will trigger their bottle attack, but it's only 1 damage and can be replaced with curses, so it's not a huge deal. Overall they're less dangerous than Snitches, who really pissed on the average run's parade by spawning in high numbers, so I think giving them the same spawn tier was a good balancing choice to make the midgame more manageable.
I also really like that the skeleton summoning book now gives them 2 HP, it makes them a bit more viable for all-around use instead of only being good for rows with Bards on them.
Then it's not that bad on first impression! oof, that's good to hear!
Also, if you are crafty enough, with a book summon now you can both defend from a bottle attack and also one hit kill them!
Thanks a lot for the feedback!!! It really helps, and i love seeing detailed feedback like this!