Thanks for the warm welcome you all gave to the Burning Down demo!!! Your feedback is amazing, and some of you left a big smile in my face with such thoughful responses! Truly, every critique feels great!
I will continue touching up the game in the future, and i hope one day we have a full on story, with a hub level, compelling characters, and an actual storyline! But for now it's just an arcade game, hahahaha
Also i hope you all like Barb the firefighter! She's trying her best!
As for necrochess...
Another small balance update!
-Royalist CHANGED: +1 life, +1 bottle throwing damage, now receives full ranged damage, doesn't evade! This dude was quite the troublemaker it seems like. Now he is overall stronger, and is more like his Snitch counterpart in terms of overall damage, but it's less of a pain in the ass for ranged builds!
-Summoner BUFFED: He was a bit weak for the third tier. Now the Imps he summons have +1 stats for every level. Also, it now summons a third imp on level three! I hope. i didn't test it. But it should work! It's a bit strong, but tier threes are hard to get to level three anyways, so it's a reward!
-Archer CHANGED: This is a "kill two units then die" kind of unit, and i want to reinforce that identity. So now he has more damage, 3 at level 2 and 8 at level 3! However, his attack is reset to 1, like the viking, every time he levels up. I hope this works better now!
-Randomness! Attacks that targeted a random unit had a... questionable, let's say, way of choosing who to attack. Now it's truly random! I hope it doesn't crash!
That's all for now! Thanks for playing!!!!
New quest added! Beat the new build of necrochess without taking damage.
Hah, good luck! It might be easier o: